The Nagra III Recorder

This little machine made a big impact on the motion picture and music industry in the Sixties, giving sound
engineers a reliable, lightweight, battery-operated tape recorder capable of making high-fidelity recordings in the field.

The Nagra III has become a legend, and even has played some supporting roles in movies! You can see one
in the Beatles film
Help!, the John Travolta film Blow Out", and the Steven Soderbergh film The Informant!.

Someone had one for sale on Ebay, with pictures from every angle, so I thought it would be fun to model it in
SketchUp, a free 3D modeling program that is provided by Google.

Here are a couple views of the SketchUp model that I made:

Nagra III recorder

Nagra III recorder

I also decided to make an attempt to do a photo rendering of the model.  I decided to use Kerkythea, a free rendering
program.  I've played around with Kerky in the past, but this was my first serious attempt at using it to try and really get
the lighting and materials on a complicated model to look right.

Here are a couple Kerkythea renders:

Nagra III Recorder

Nagra III recorder

Here's a link to an interesting article about the Nagra III and its inventor, Stefan Kudelski:

The Academy Award Winning Nagra Recorder